Data Sutram is an AI-driven platform that provides Intel on People & Places with data from 250+ sources. Our proprietary AI and ML driven data engine automatically converts raw unstructured sources of data from satellites, mobile phones, POS machines & several other sources to create insights that capture how people live & behave, available for any location in varying levels of granularity. These insights are consumed by several companies in Financial Services, Retail, E-commerce, Manufacturing etc. through APIs or SDKs or Data Sutram’s proprietary geospatial platform.

We are a VC funded company working with over 50+ enterprises across the country and have a team of 30+ people with a majority based out of Mumbai.

Since the inception, we have built a dynamic team of young data scientists and professionals from similar backgrounds, who are determined to create data-driven solutions for a varied range of businesses. Today, our team is led by data science experts with over 20 years of experience who have managed large teams at Microsoft, Yahoo and such revolutionary organizations across the globe.

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